is cunae the right fit for your child?

Cunae is a school of choice for parents who value seeing their child -

  • Happy to go to school every morning, and are interested, engaged, and eager to learn.

  • Encouraged to be true dreamers, thinkers and doers.

  • Develop critical, analytical and creative thinking skills.

  • Develop awareness, empathy, and understanding of others.

  • Develop an appreciation of the world around them.

An environment where -

  • Teacher’s show genuine interest and affection for their students, and whereby the positive student/teacher connections are frequent, authentic and momentous.d

  • Teachers positively guide and encourage students on their journey, praising their successes yet holding them accountable; and teaching them self-reflection rather than focusing on failures or setbacks and creating an environment of academic trepidation.

parent preference Quiz

Finally, if you are still not sure, check out this quiz preference quiz . Whilst it is not 100% foolproof, it may be another tool you can use to shed light on whether we are likely to be the right school for your child.

Six different parenting educational preference archetypes have been identified by the Thomas Fordham Institute:

  • Pragmatist: Parents place value on schools that, “offer vocational classes or job-related programs.”

  • Jeffersonian: Parents place value on school that “emphasizes instruction in citizenship, democracy, and leadership,”

  • Test-Score Hawks: Parents place value on schools that “has high test scores,” and push their child who is often deemed to be academically exceptional, to excel.

  • Multiculturalists: Parents place value on schools that “learns how to work with people from diverse backgrounds.”

  • Expressionists: Parents place value on schools that “emphasizes arts and music instruction.” (Note that Cunae places importance on ALL subjects equally)

  • Strivers: Parents place value on schools that help ensure that their child will be “accepted at a top-tier college.”

If your style was shown to be a Jeffersonian, Multiculturalist or an Expressionist, then we are likely to pique your interest. However, that is not to say if you identified as a Pragmatist or Striver that we would not be a fit, but you may want to ask more questions. If you are a Test-Score Hawk, we are unlikely a fit.

Obviously there is more to picking a school than taking a quiz, and there is more to our school than fitting into one of these narrow boxes too, but it is an interesting consideration. 

Characteristics of a child who thrives at Cunae:

In searching for a school it is imperative that parents find a school that is likely to be the best fit for both their child, and their family. So what type of students thrive at Cunae? It’s all about attitude!

Students often display one or more of the following traits:

  • Unafraid to 'have a go’; they have grit; they pick themselves back up when they struggle and fall.

  • Collaborative, communicative and willing to listen to others; enjoys sharing ideas and opinions.

  • Inquisitive, creative, analytical.

  • Self-reflective and adaptable.

  • Open minded, empathetic and understanding.

  • Non-linear thinker - ability to see the grey area.

  • A willingness to move forward, learn and grow.